Parasyte ReversiChapter 76
Drama Horror

The struggle for survival between humanity and Parasites continues unceasingly around the world. Unfolding in the shadow of the legends of Shinichi and Migi, another battle for existence is revealed. Fukami, a veteran detective, investigates a brutal mass murder, and is unsettled by the composure of the informant: high school student Tatsuki. The source of that discomfort lies within Tatsuki's family...The tale on the other side of the ageless masterpiece "Parasyte" begins here!

Parasyte Reversi (Official)Chapter 76
Adult Horror

A spin-off of the Parasyte series that focuses on the son of mayor Takeshi Hirokawa investigating his father's secret relationships with the alien Parasites.

Neo Parasyte m (Official)Chapter 12.5
Action Comedy Drama Horror

They look like us. They feed on us. They’re parasites – alien creatures with one directive: take human form via a host and destroy the human race from within. First seen in Hiroshi Iwaaki’s classic science fiction horror manga Parasyte, these terrifying creatures are revisited and reinvented in 12 brand-new stories drawn by some of today’s greatest shonen and seinen manga artists. But no matter who they choose as their hosts—from militia men to the seemingly sweet elderly—one thing is for certain: no one is safe from the parasites …

Parasyte Reversi (Official Translation)Chapter 10
Action Adult Horror

A spin-off of the Parasyte series that focuses on the son of mayor Takeshi Hirokawa investigating his father's secret relationships with the alien Parasites.